Total Articles - 252
- Open Source Resources for Test Automation. Blog. December 30, 2024
- The Cyber Resilience Act – Part I : What you need to know. Blog. December 10, 2024
- Testing Open Source Software. Blog. October 16, 2024
- Inner Source and Test Automation. Blog. September 30, 2024
- What is an OSPO and do I need one?. Blog. August 28, 2024
- The Impact of Standards on Test Automation. Blog. August 19, 2024
- Government Mandates for Open Source Security. Blog. July 29, 2024
- OpenTAP and Security Testing - Wireless Security. Blog. June 25, 2024
- OpenTAP and Security Testing - Penetration Testing. Blog. May 21, 2024
- Trends in Test Automation. Blog. May 2, 2024
- OpenTAP and Security Testing - Vulnerability Assessment. Blog. April 2, 2024
- Introduction to Source-Available Licensing. Blog. March 21, 2024
- Dual-Licensing Open Source Software: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Blog. March 5, 2024
- 2023 - The Year in Open Source. Blog. January 24, 2024
- Artificial Intelligence and Open Source. Blog. December 18, 2023
- OpenTAP and Security Testing - The Role of Test Automation. Blog. November 7, 2023
- Four Decades of Free Software. Blog. October 24, 2023
- OpenTAP and the Internet of Things. Blog. October 16, 2023
- Resist the Urge to Write Your Own License. Blog. September 28, 2023
- Test Automation, AI and ML. Blog. September 12, 2023
- The Importance of Managing Open Source Software. Blog. August 29, 2023
- Test and Test Automation on ARM CPUs. Blog. August 15, 2023
- Collaboration in Test and Test Automation. Blog. June 20, 2023
- Total Cost of Ownership for Test Automation Part V - Cost Analysis. Blog. May 25, 2023
- Total Cost of Ownership for Test Automation Part IV - Support and Maintenance. Blog. April 28, 2023
- Total Cost of Ownership for Test Automation Part III - Legacy Migration. Blog. April 17, 2023
- Total Cost of Ownership for Test Automation Part II - Make vs. Buy. Blog. March 28, 2023
- Total Cost of Ownership for Test Automation Part I - Introduction. Blog. February 28, 2023
- 2022 - The Year in Open Source. Blog. January 16, 2023
- Easing Migration with a PoC. Blog. January 9, 2023
- Shifting Left with Test Automation. Blog. December 6, 2022
- Open Source Fact and Fiction. Blog. October 18, 2022
- Monetizing Open Source. Blog. September 6, 2022
- Open Source Cybersecurity. Blog. September 22, 2022
- The OpenTAP Project by the Numbers. Blog. June 6, 2022
- Choosing a License for your Plugin. Blog. April 28, 2022
- EO 14028 and Supply Chain Security - Turtles All the Way Down. with Cole Kennedy. TestifySec. April 14, 2022
- Why OpenTAP for Test Automation. Blog. February 18, 2022
- OpenTAP Adoption. - White Paper. February 1, 2022
- The OMB Tells America - The Zero Trust Clock is Ticking. with Cole Kennedy. TestifySec. January 31, 2022
- Zero Trust - an architecture, a product or a mindset?
. with Cole Kennedy. TestifySec. January 26, 2022
- Open Source Hygiene: Critical for Application Security. Black Duck White Paper. December, 2015
- Viewpoint - Automotive Security and Open Source. Automotive Engineering Europe. November, 2015
- New Vuln in Xen - Hypervisors Require Hypervigilance. Black Duck Blog. November 4, 2015
- You Want Secure Containers? Start With Secure Container Contents. Black Duck Blog. October 22, 2015
- The Essentials of Open Source Strategy and Governance. Black Duck Blog. September 10, 2015
- Open Source Security and the Mobile Enterprise. Black Duck White Paper. August 13, 2015
- Open Source and the Internet of Things - A Reality Check. Black Duck Blog. August 10, 2015
- Best Practices for Commercial Use of Open Source Software. with Karl-Michael Popp, Josef Waltl, Robert Reiz, Greg Olsen. August 6, 2015
- Is Your Android Device At Risk Of 'Stagefright?' 950 Million Devices Exposed By New Security Vulnerability. Black Duck Blog. July 28, 2015
- Mobile Security and Privacy – Rights, Not Privileges. with Carl Nerup. Samsung White Paper. June 29, 2015
- Securing Open Source - Many Eyes, the Triple Fence an the Community Development Model. Black Duck Blog. June 4, 2015
- Open Source Hygiene: Critical For Application Security. Black Duck White Paper. June, 2015
- NetUSB Vulnerability Means Trouble For Linux-Based Home Routers: What To Do Now. Black Duck Blog. May 27, 2015
- AFNetworking Vulnerability Exposts Thousands of iOS Apps to Attack. Open Source Delivers - Guest Blog. April 30, 2015
- Corporate Open Source Participation Reaches All-Time High, But More Formal Management Needed. April 16, 2015
- Industry Insider: Open source hygiene, software security and human error. FireceCIO. March 12, 2015
- FREAK attack: How to keep your code secure. NetworkWorld. March 4, 2015
- Better open source hygiene would have spooked GHOST. NetworkWorld. February 5, 2015
- Open Source and the Internet of Things: Roles, Reach and Rationale for Deploying OSS. RTC Magazine. January, 2015
- Predictions for the Internet Of Things in 2015. Open Source Delivers. January 8, 2015
- Accelerating Mobile Applications Development with Unicon Systems CCOTSTM Platforms. A white paper for Unicon Systems. December, 2008
- Graphical User Interface Resources in Linux for Automotive. A Wind River White Paper. October, 2008
- Multimedia Resources in Linux for Automotive. A Wind River White Paper. October, 2008
- Migrating Legacy VxWorks Applications to Linux. A white paper for MontaVista Software. September, 2008
- How to move from legacy OS to Linux in easy stages. with Jim Ready. Electronics Weekly. September 15, 2008
- Uniting Mobile Linux Application Platforms. a White Paper with Purple Labs. July 31, 2008
- Power State Management in Automotive Linux. A Wind River White Paper. June, 2008
- La produttivita nello sviluppo degli ambienti Linux. Elettronica Oggi. June, 2008
- Linux for In-Vehicle Systems: A Strategic Platform. A Wind River White Paper. April, 2008
- Preserving Legacy IT Investment with Virtualization. Search Server Virtualization. May 14, 2008
- Linux for In-Vehicle Systems: A Strategic Platform. A Wind River White Paper. April, 2008
- Alles unter einem Dach. Elektronik. April, 2008
- Moving Beyond Command Line. Embedded Systems Europe and Application Software Developer. March, 2008
- Achieving High Availability in a Virtualized Environment. Search Server Virtualization. February 6, 2008
- Real-time Technology for Embedded Linux. A white paper for MontaVista Software. January 12, 2008
- LiPS/Google/Android Q and A. LIPS Forum. November 12, 2007
- Linux Device Driver Drama. Search Enterprise Linux. November 12, 2007
- Mobile Linux Explosion - Technology and Players Behind the Hype. Linux User and Developer #75. November, 2007
- Device driver paravirtualization: VM heaven or IT hell?. Search Server Virtualization. October 29, 2007
- Addressing Linux productivity killers. October , 2007
- Virtual Open Source. Linux User and Developer #74. October, 2007
- Fighting Mobile Fragmentation - Organic vs. .org-anic. Linux User and Developer #74. October, 2007
- The F Word : Fragmentation of Emerging Mobile Linux. WirelessWeek. September 25, 2007
- Leveraging the PalmOS Ecosystem with GarnetVM and the ACCESS Linux Platform. a white paper for ACCESS. September, 2007
- (Don't) Start Me Up, Again. I mean it. Linux User and Developer #73. September, 2007
- Moving Legacy Applications to Linux: RTOS Migration Revisited. a whitepaper for MontaVista Software. July, 2007
- Real programmers DO use IDEs. a whitepaper for MontaVista Software. July, 2007
- Linux and FOSS: End-to-End (and Top-to-Bottom too). RTC Magazine. July, 2007
- Will GPLv3 Energize FLOSS or Marginalize FSF?. February 2, 2007
- Open Source is not a verb. NewsForge. November 4, 2006
- Carrier Grade Linux - Build Your Own Telco with Debian. Linux User and Developer. November, 2006
- Open Source Can Stretch IT Healthcare Dollars. ComputerWorld. September 26, 2006
- Available, Reliable and FREE. EOSJ. August, 2006
- Mobile Phones - the Embedded Linux Challenge. Linux Journal. August, 2006
- OSDL - Accelerating Linux Adoption in the Enterprise and Beyond. Communications of the Korea Information Science Society. June 24, 2006
- Benefits of Ubiquitous Linux. ComputerWorld. April 25, 2006
- Linux and Open Source Software: A Strategic Decision for CE Manufacturers. Enterprise Open Source Journal. March/April, 2006
- FOSS 101 - Linux and Open Source inHigher Education. LinuxWorld Magazine. April, 2006
- Samurai Software Testing. Linux User and Developer #59. March, 2006
- OSDL Mobile Linux Initiative - The Linux Platform and the explo$ive mobile market. LinuxWorld Magazine. February, 2006
- The New Era of Mobile Linux Ubiquity. An ACCESS-sponsored White Paper for 3GSM. February, 2006
- The "B" in LAMP - How Berkeley DB Helps LAMP Shine. Enterprise Open Source Journal. January/February, 2006
- Open Phone, Closed Phone. Linux User and Developer #58. January, 2006
- Get longer battery life in Linux-based handsets. CommsDesign, an EE Times Community. January 16, 2006
- New OSDL initiative targets current and next-generation converged handsets. Embedded Computing Design. November, 2005
- Consumer Electronics for the 21st Century. Linux User and Developer #54 (Cover). September, 2005
- LinuxWorld View, Linux Worldview. Linux User and Developer #54. September, 2005
- Escola de Linux e Linux na escola - Open Source Adoption in Brazil for Education. Linux World Magazine. September, 2005
- Business Model Burnout. Linux User and Developer #52. July, 2005
- Open Source Operating Systems - A Whirlwind Tour. Linux World Magazine. July, 2005
- Closing Gaps in the Embedded Linux Ecosystem: the ISV Challenge. Embedded Computing. July, 2005
- Eight Harsh Truths about Embedded Software. with Victor Yodaiken. SD Times. July 1, 2005
- Open Source Mobile Phones - The economics of building next-generation mobile handsets with Linux. Linux World Magazin. June, 2005
- Reinventing telecom with Linux and VoIP. Embedded Systems Europe. June, 2005
- Freedom Inside - WARNING: This device may contain Free and Open Software. Linux User and Developer #50. June, 2005
- Carrier Grade Linux 3.0: Building out and looking forward. Embedded Computing. May, 2005
- Open Agression - How Linux opponents and advocates both sell with fear of FOSS. Linux User and Developer #49. May, 2005
- Branding Irony. Linux User and Developer #48. March, 2005
- Time and Space: Optimizing Boot-Up and Footprint in Linux-based CE Devices. Paper presented at the CMP Design Seminar at the Embedded Systems Conference, San Francisco, CA. March 8, 2005
- OSDL - Building Momentum in 2004. LinuxWorld Magazine. March, 2005
- The Embedded Chasm. Linux User and Developer #47. February, 2005
- OSDL Annual Report to its Membership. with Nelson Pratt. Open Source Development Lab, Editor in Chief. January, 2005
- The Open Road Map. Linux User and Developer. Issue 46. January, 2005
- Open Source Development Process. Embedded Computing. January, 2005
- The Value Line. Linux User and Developer #45. December, 2004
- Sound and Fury at GSPx. Embedded Computing. Winter, 2004
- Our Mutual OS. Linux User and Developer #43. November, 2004
- Dark Matter. Linux User and Developer #42. October, 2004
- Porting RTOS Device Drivers to Embedded Linux. Linux Journal #126. October, 2004
- Open and Free - Trials and Tribulations of an Open Source Evangelist. Linux User and Developer #41. September, 2004
- IDEology - The Ideals of IDEs. with Jacob Lehrbaum. Linux User and Developer #41. September, 2004
- Dynamic power management applies to embedded Linux, too. with John Mehaffy. Portable Design. September, 2004
- Building Out the Linux Ecosystem. Embedded Computing Design. September, 2004
- Control Your IT Roadmap. LinuxWorld Magazine. July 27, 2004
- IDE evolution continues beyond Eclipse. with Jacob Lehrbaum. E.E. Times. June 2, 2004
- IDE with New Graphical Interface and the Latest Linux Technology. Embedded Control Europe. April, 2004
- More Power to You - Dynamic Power Management for Handheld Devices. New Electronics (UK). April 27, 2004
- Sa klarar Linux realtidsmalen (Linux Real-time Performance Update). Elektronik i Norden. April, 2004
- Linux is on the NPU control plane. E.E. Times. February 5, 2004
- Linux vs. SCO -- A Foregone Conclusion. with Jim Ready (ghost written for). Linux Journal. January, 2004
- Speed MIPS-based Designs to Market. MIPS Technology PIPELINE. Winter, 2004
- Embedded Linux heading toward mainstream. E.E. Times Asia. January 1, 2004
- L'hote Windows sait s'adapter aux developpements pour Linux embarque (Adapting Windows Hosts for Embedded Linux Development). Electronique (France). December, 2003
- SCO e o futuro: litigios em software livre e proprietario (SCO and the future: Litigation in Open and Proprietary Software). Magnet (Brazil / Portuguese by author). October 15, 2003
- Linux and Virtex-II FPGA Speed Design Cycles. Xcell Online. October 13, 2003
- Consumer Devices Look to Embedded Linux. Embedded Systems Europe. October, 2003
- Is it legal? -- Comparing Litigation Around Proprietary and Open Source Software. LinuxUser and Developer. October, 2003
- Embedded Linux technologies: More power to you. (Dynamic Power Management). Eletronic Engineering Times Asia. September 1, 2003
- Ein ungleiches Paar - Cross-Development fur Embedded-Linux auf Windows-Hosts (An odd pair - Cross Developer for embedded Linux on Windows. Elektronik (Germany). August, 2003
- Pinguins veroveren consumentenelektronica. Bits and Chip (Netherlands). July 3, 2003
- Weathering the Storm (in Telecom). LinuxUser and Developer. June, 2003
- Doing Business with Open Source. Embedded Systems Europe. May, 2003
- Optimizing Linux for Handheld Devices - Execute in Place. Intel Wireless Solutions Magazine. April, 2003
- Embedded Linux fur intelligente Konsumeren. Design and Verification (Germany). April, 2003
- Natwerksprocessor med Linux (Network Processors and Linux). Elektronik i Norden (Scandinavia). March 28, 2003
- Hemelektronik byggs med Linux (Home Electronics and Linux). Elektronik i Norden (Scandinavia). March 12, 2003
- Embedded Linux Is A Hit In Entertainment Appliances. with Wireless Systems Design. March, 2003
- Embedded Linux operating system and development environment. with Jacob Lehrbaum. Embedded Control Europe. February, 2003
- Asian embedded developers looking up to Linux. with Raymond Mak. E.E. Times Asia. February 3, 2003
- Embedding the Internet. LinuxUser and Developer. December, 2002
- Telecom equipment makers must build on Linux to remain viable. Electronic Engineering Times. December 13, 2002
- Next-generation consumer devices build on embedded Linux and IBM PowerPC architecture. IBM PowerPC processor news. December, 2002
- Moving In - Linux and Network Processors. New Electronics (UK). October 22, 2002
- MontaVista Software Brings Linux to the IBM PowerPC 440GP and 440GX. IBM PowerPC processor news. October, 2002
- EMBEDDED LINUX: BLACK, WHITE, AND MAYBE GREEN. Open - The Strategic Guide to Open Source. September 12, 2002
- Connected devices sound alarm for embedded security. Applied Computing. August 27, 2002
- Business models for Open Source success. E.E. Times Asia. July 1, 2002
- Open Source in China: Opportunity or Crisis?. Open - The Strategic Source for Open Source. June 27, 2002
- Embedded's Economics of Globalization. Open - The Strategic Source for Open Source. June, 2002
- United Colors of Linux. Open - The Strategic Source for Open Source. May, 2002
- Skyd mot intrang i inbyggda system. Elektronik I Norden (Scandinavia). May, 2002
- Moving from a Proprietary RTOS to Embedded Linux. RTC Magazine. April, 2002
- Better security needed for Internet appliances. Electronic Engineering Times. April 22, 2002
- Security checklist for embedded devices. Electronic Engineering Times. April 22, 2002
- Asia leads in Linux-based connectivity. Electronic Engineering Times Asia. April, 2002
- Comment acceder au temps reel avec Linux. Electronique (France). March, 2002
- Brazil Sambas with Linux - Muito Legal. Open - The Strategic Source for Open Source. February, 2002
- Why Linux Needs a HAL - The Flintlock Factor. Open - The Strategic Source for Open Source. December, 2001
- Of Arms and Linux. Open - The Strategic Source for Open Source. October, 2001
- Moving from a Proprietary RTOS to Embedded Linux. Embedded Control Europe. December 3, 2001
- Open Availability Architecture: Building highly available systems with Linux and CompactPCI. CompactPCI Systems. November, 2001
- Ready for Real-Time?. Linux Format. November, 2001
- Embedded Linux for Handheld and Wireless Applications. Intel Developers Journal. October, 2001
- The Embedded Linux OS. Embedded Systems Engineering Magazine. September, 2001
- Inbyggd Linux kraer nytankande. Elektronik i Norden (Sweden). September 7, 2001
- Linux fuels rethink of tool strategies. Electronic Engineering Times. August 30, 2001
- Linux til indlejrede real-time applikationer. Nyhedsmagasinet Elektronik i Data (Danmark). Number 8 - August 20, 2001
- "Mit Scheduler-Erweiterung gerstet fur Echtzeitapplikationen. Electronic Embedded Systeme (Germany). August 9, 2001
- Think Penguin. New Electronics (UK). July 9, 2001
- Linux fordert Abschied von alten Entwicklungs-Gewohnheiten. Electronik (Germany). Volume 13, 2001
- Rethinking Embedded Development with Linux. ECN Magazine. February, 2001
- Pervasive Computing. Open Magazine - Monthly Column. August 2000-December, 2001
- UNIX Continues as Reliable Workhorse. with James Ready. EE Times. December 14, 1999
- Software Concepts for High Availability. with Greg Rose. Proceedings of the Embedded Systems Conference, Boston. June, 1999
- Pico servers target range of user needs. EE Times. May 11, 1998
- Java for Real-Time - The Threads that Bind II. with Carl Steinke. The Proceedings of the Chicago Embedded Systems Conference. April, 1998
- Java for Real-Time - The Threads that Bind I. with Carl Steinke. The Proceedings of the Real-time Computing Conferenc. January, 1998
- Kernel modules tailor small-OS solution. with Mitch Bunnell. EE Times. December 10, 1996
- Throwing Stones - Compiler Benchmarking. Embedded Systems Programming. July, 1993
- C++ a fait percee dans l'embarque (C++ penetrates embedded systems) - Interview (in French). Electronique (France). April, 1993
- Words Strategy Rationale. with Bruce Baker. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Minspeak European Conference, University of Manchester Institute for Science Technology. Septmber, 1989
- The Use of Second Language Acquisition Techniques in Augmentative Communication. with Bruce Baker, Jerry Higgins. American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) Annual Conference. November, 1987
- Vocabulary Development for Augmentative Communication with Minspeak. with Bruce Baker, Robert Stump. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Minspeak Conference. November, 1987